The Town of Greenville, in partnership with Moosehead Caring for Kids Foundation (MCFKF),
has been awarded a Northern Border Region Commission Catalyst Grant for $1,000,000 to be
used for the YES Project. This grant will be added to the Community Project Funding grant
previously awarded to MCFKF for $1,561,000; a state grant for $250,000 for childcare
infrastructure which was awarded to Little Schoolhouse Childcare; and over $250,000 raised by
MCFKF from our very generous community donors, both individual and business, as well as
from fundraising events. Combined, these grants and donations total $3,061,000.
According to Don Hodapp, the project manager, “I anticipate the final building design to be
completed in the next 4-6 weeks which will allow the project team to solicit construction bids
from contractors”. This additional funding source will hopefully ensure that construction can
move forward as soon as possible in 2025. Mike Roy, Greenville Town Manager, expresses “I am
deeply grateful to both Senator Susan Collins and Senator Angus King along with their staff for
their continued support of this very important project for Greenville area families and