July 26, 2024 Edition
Concern about erosion emptying into West Cove
To the Editor,
My name is Michael P. Sheehan. My family and I own a small camp at 22 North Birch Street in Greenville. This camp is located on the water in West Cove. Over the past few years, the Town of Greenville has been updating public water connections in and around North Birch Street. During the construction, old infrastructure such as collapsed culverts and catch basins have been located. Because the project does not have money for remediation, this old infrastructure is being filled in and buried instead of removed. This construction and old infrastructure have caused erosion that is now, for over 2 years, emptying into West Cove. This unmitigated silt is causing a 200-yard plume of debris every time we have moderate to heavy rain. This silt takes up to 2 days to settle. Once settled, the area closest to the culvert is accumulating piles of sand changing the bottom of the lake floor. Motel guests next door, my children, dogs, and neighbors can’t swim due to this contamination. Boating is also affected because boats use raw water to cool the motor. This silt can cause restrictions in cooling systems adding to breakdowns and hazardous conditions.
For over 2 years, I have been calling the DEP, DOT, and the Town of Greenville. My feeling is this may be a can of worms to fix and no agency wants to lead the charge. Most recently a 6-foot-deep sinkhole developed on Pritham Ave at North Birch Street last week. A load of culvert has been dropped off on Pritham Ave at North Birch Street. My concern is the continued construction without erosion mitigation, old infrastructure, and who will help? My hope is this letter will bring light to the current situation in West Cove and create an opportunity for those people in power to coordinate a response to help keep Moosehead Lake clean. I invite anyone to come to 22 North Birch Street and stand on my dock during or after a rainstorm. Bring a drone and follow the plume as it stretches into West Cove.
Respectfully Submitted
Michael P. Sheehan